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Everett Bathroom Remodel

This bathroom remodel project in Everett was about as labor-intensive as a bathroom remodel could possibly be! First we demo'd the entire old bathroom. Then we closed off the old bathroom area (required construction of an entire new wall) and installed a new doorway that involved re-routing some electrical. Next came a new toilet, followed by 50 SF of new tile flooring. A new window and recessed medicine cabinet soon followed, along with a new bathtub. Some moldy areas were also removed and replaced with new drywall and insulation, and painted. Did all the necessary plumbing work for the new tub (which was A LOT). We also installed concrete board where necessary. As if all that weren't enough, we then had to do a subfloor replacement. Then we had to bring all the rest of the plumbing to code. We're not done yet! Next came some repairs underneath the home, which included installing a support beam under the kitchen exterior wall. Several other load-bearing elements were added as well. Whew I need a beer!